Meal Plans

8-week Nutritional Meal Plan

2 x 30-min session on week 1 and 12 of the plan

10 x weekly WhatsApp check-ins on allocated day


8-week Combined Nutritional and Exercise Plan

2 x 60-min session on week 1 and 12 of the plan

10 x weekly WhatsApp check-ins on allocated day


8-week Lifestyle Coaching

1 x meal plan

12 x 20-min in-person or online check-in

£450 (£150 per month)

Meal Prep

3-hour Weekly Meal Prep Package

1 x 1.5 hours to implement ABC into the home kitchen

4 x 3-hour meal preparation from your meal plan on agreed day. Delivered or prepared in your home

£480 (paid 4-weekly)

4-hour Weekly Meal Prep Package

1 x 1.5 hours to implement ABC into the home kitchen

4 x 4-hour meal preparation from your meal plan on agreed day. Delivered or prepared in your home

£600 (paid 4-weekly)

5-hour Weekly Meal Prep Package

1 x 1.5 hours to implement ABC into the home kitchen

4 x 5-hour meal preparation from your meal plan on agreed day. Delivered or prepared in your home

£700 (paid 4-weekly)

Corporate or Private Events

Corporate/Private Breakfast,
Lunch or Dinner

1 x meal/menu plan for the event, adhering to dietary requirements

Fresh groceries to make the meal/menu

5-hour meal preparation from your meal/menu plan

Delivered or prepared at your venue

Waiting staff can be provided for an additional charge

£24 per person (10 people minimum)

Mitzvahs/Funerals/Christmas/New Year or Other
Holidays and Special Events

1 x meal/menu plan for the event, adhering to dietary requirements

Fresh groceries to make the meal/menu

Meal/buffet preparation from your meal/menu plan

Delivered or prepared at your venue

Waiting staff can be provided for an additional charge

£24 per person (10 people minimum)


Personal Training and Exercise Plans

8-week Exercise Plan

2 x 30min session on week 1 and 12 of the plan

10 x weekly WhatsApp check-ins on allocated day


8-week Combined Exercise and Nutritional Plan

2 x 60min session on week 1 and 12 of the plan

10 x weekly WhatsApp check-ins on allocated day


30-min Personal Training Session

1 x 30-min session from your exercise plan


1-hour Personal Training Session

1 x 55-min session from your exercise plan


4-hour Personal Training Session

4 x 55-min sessions from your exercise plan
(1 session per week)

£210 (£52.50 each)

8-hour Personal Training Session

8 x 55-min sessions from your exercise plan
(2 sessions per week)

£372 (£46.50 each)

12-hour Personal Training Session

12 x 55-min sessions from your exercise plan
(3 sessions per week)

£480 (£40 each)

Additional Services

Sports Massage

1 x 55-min session


Yoga Class

1 x 55-min session



Life Coaching Plans

8-week Life Coaching Plan

2 x 30-min session on week 1 and 12 of the plan

10 x weekly WhatsApp check-ins on allocated day


8-week Combined Life Coaching, Nutrition and Exercise Plan

2 x 90-min session on week 1 and 12 of the plan

10 x weekly WhatsApp check-ins on allocated day

£400 (for 2) and £500 (for all 3)

30-min Life Coaching Session

1 x 30-min session from your exercise plan


1-hour Life Coaching Session

1 x 55-min session from your exercise plan


4-hour Life Coaching Session

4 x 55-min sessions from your exercise plan
(1 session per week)

£210 (£52.50)

8-hour Life Coaching Session

8 x 55-min sessions from your exercise plan
(2 sessions per week)

£372 (£46.50)

12-hour Life Coaching Session

12 x 55-min sessions from your exercise plan
(3 sessions per week)

£480 (£40)



Nutrition Workshop

2 x 8-hour sessions on Saturday and Sunday

1 x workbook

1 x lunch provided from ABC food model

Will learn ABC food model, how to goal set in line with body type, meal plan, calculate figures for goal, nutritional value and purpose of each food group

£240 per person (£15 per hour)

Anatomy & Physiology Workshop

2 x 8-hour sessions on Saturday and Sunday

1 x workbook

1 x lunch provided from ABC food model

Will learn how to goal set in line with body type, exercise plan, calculate figures for goal, exercise value and purpose of each body part and function

£240 per person (£15 per hour)

Life Coaching Workshop

2 x 8-hour sessions on Saturday and Sunday

1 x workbook

1 x lunch provided from ABC food model

Will learn how to goal set in line with your ideal lifestyle, visualisation and meditation, vision board exercise, diary management and money management

£240 per person (£15 per hour)

Combined Nutrition, Body, Body & Life Coaching Workshop

2 x 8-hour sessions on Saturday and Sunday

1 x workbook

1 x lunch provided from ABC food model

Will learn ABC food model, how to goal set in line with body type, create meal and exercise plans, calculate figures for goal, vision board exercise and diary management

£240 per person (£15 per hour)


Winter Retreat

To be confirmed

Summer Retreat

To be confirmed

End of Season Client Event

1-day event

1 x event such as bowling

1 x community meal out

Cost to be announced for each event
